The Story of Badass Ceramics… so far.
The story of where Badass Ceramics had its start is one for the books. Many, many years ago, five to be exact, an idea was sparked. Our founder, Lotta Åkesson Persson, absolutely loves coffee. At that point in time there was just one little problem with that, she never felt like she could find the perfect coffee cup that filled all of her desires. She searched far and wide to discover a mug that could fit the bill. Nothing… and so came Badass Ceramics.
STUBBY Espresso mug in Rusty Grey glaze.
In the basement of her home Lotta set up a little ceramics studio. On a wheel thrower, bought second hand, she began experimenting with different shapes. At last, our now signature STUBBY Coffee Mug was created. But yet again, Lotta met a bit of a road block. She didn’t have a kiln and it wouldn't fit in the tiny basement studio she had built for herself. This is when the journey really was fueled and the signature ceramics we know and love today began to take shape.
Clay put on a tray after it’s been weighed up.
In the fall of 2018 BadAss Ceramics moved into its first studio space, equipped with a kiln, and ceramics magic started happening. This is where the first pieces of the STUBBY, FLOW and GRITTY Collections were designed and created.
In 2019 the studio moved to a studio in Rekekroken. Another kiln became a part of the family and the production really saw an increase, but that was far from enough. The interest for BadAss Ceramics was skyrocketing and it was just a matter of time before the original production techniques would no longer be enough.
In 2022 new and more efficient techniques were implemented in the whole production line, so that everyone could have a proper chance to get their hands on the pieces they crave.
Table being set during a photoshoot, January 2022.
Since 2020 the Badass crew has consisted of mother-daughter duo Lotta and Savannah. In 2024 we look forward to welcoming more Badass people to the crew. We believe that the growth and transformation of our company and production comes from the people around us. The insights they convey are the heart of Badass Ceramics.
Black & Brown pulling it off together. (STUBBY Americano Mugs in Blackish & Rust glaze.)
Inspiration is the glue of Badass Ceramics and its things of the past, present and future that set the foundation. Our founder Lotta Åkesson Persson reminisces about one of the many inspirations that came to shape Badass Ceramics: “My teacher at preschool told me that black and brown don’t blend well”, about an art project she was working on. This statement did not sit well with her. She describes it as this natural instinct to never be defined by what is perceived as right or wrong and daring to make other people move out of their comfort zone. That is one of the many things that make Badass Ceramics exactly what it is. We don’t do perfect.
Stay BadAss,
Savannah Ferrara
Communications Manager